Family Eucharist   

For many years the main Service in St John's at 10am each Sunday has been Sung Eucharist. Some years ago a simpler family service "Family First" was introduced on the first Sunday of each month and has been well attended by families with young children. On other Sundays our young people attend Sunday School in our halls.

It was realised that the young people do not experience "The Eucharist" until they are confirmed and become Servers. On a trial basis for the months of October, November and December a "Family Eucharist" has been introduced to encourage families with children.  The first of these took place on Sunday 20 October 2013. In his address our Rector, Canon Robert Jones, explained why the initiative was being taken and using a "Holy Communion Cube" explained to the young people the structure of the service as having four parts.

To bring the action closer to the congregation the front pews were turned inwards as at "Sunday First" and a Communion Table placed on a low platform in front of the chancel steps.

There were many favourable comments from the families attending and it is hoped that this initiative of a "Teaching Eucharist" will allow our young people to appreciate the structure and meaning of the Service.  

  Family Eucharist Confirmation   The Address  

The Gathering 


Proclaiming and Receiving the Word 

The Great Thanksgiving Choir Recessing

Celebrating at the Lord's Table 


Going Out as God's People